After discussions with women in ministry leaders and a comprehensive review of available data, Rev. Martha Simmons developed a survey for women of color in ministry. It was designed to: (1) gain basic information
Read MoreAfter discussions with women in ministry leaders and a comprehensive review of available data, Rev. Martha Simmons developed a survey for women of color in ministry. It was designed to: (1) gain basic information on the employment picture of African American, Latina, Asian American/Pacific Islander, and Native American women in Protestant ministry; (2) determine the age group(s) of the women who were being impacted. (3) learn what these women believe were road-blocks to their obtaining stable, good paying jobs; (4) learn how they believed denominations and seminaries could assist them; and, (5) learn what they believed were their needs: mentoring, educational financial aid, or something else.
After the survey was developed, denominations, schools, churches, and groups were contacted to ask their members to complete the survey. Surveys, once completed were tabulated by the Hartford Institute.
Reverend Martha Simmons gave highlights of the survey at the 2014 project Launch Event. She indicated that the four substantial problems identified by the survey were, Women lack paid employment; they lack mentorship; they lack advocates; (especially denominational advocates) and, they lack higher education and assistance when pursuing higher education. These are now the four-pillars of the Women of Color Project.
The Women of Color in Ministry Preaching Pay Scale -
Find out what women are paid to preach and more.